St. Bridget of Sweden Class of 1976
the Bicentennial Class

8th Grade Students - alphabetical list:
Lillian Abdallah Philip Jaramillo Paul Rawson
Linda Chapman Mary Leyden Butch Salerno
Richard Chavinard Joanne Maggio Cathy Strong
Carol Cooper Theodore May John Warren III
Jeff Dahl John Miller Cecelia Verano
Daniel Dulco Patricia Murphy Cynthia Whitmore
Janet Halle Joanne Nau Stanley Ziegler
Stephen Heffernan Martin Paxd Stephen Ziegler
Anna Howard Brian Rawson  
Earlier Class of 1976 Photos:
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade
Mr. Pollack, 8th
Mr. Blackaby, 7th
Sister Carmel, 6th
Principal: Sister Marie

4 Other Students from Earlier Years in this Class, Left before 8th Grade

Anita Martinez
(moved after 6th grade)
Noel Gauthier 
(moved after 7th grade)
Karen Kearns
5th       6th
Maty Oard
Joanne Nau, exercise Joanne Nau & neice Joanne Nau & coworker
Patti Murphy (left); Kimberly Fernandez (SB '80 right)
Please write Derrick Garbell if you have more students, photos or info,
or if you spot typos
Thanks to Janet Halle Spaulding for the names
& to Anita Martinez for photos & names
7 January 2025
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